Low Vision Specialists

Recently, a coworker told me to tell other doctors, when I talk or write about AMD, to send patients with AMD or other eye diseases that cause vision loss to a low vision specialist for further evaluation. Some of you might be wondering what an expert in low vision is. Let me explain…

By definition, a low vision expert is a licensed doctor of optometry or ophthalmology who is trained to improve the quality of life for people with low vision—20/70 vision or worse that can't be fully fixed with medicine, surgery, or glasses. Basically, these doctors don't treat the disease that is making you lose your vision. Instead, they give you advice or assistive devices to help you use your vision better and work better, even though you are losing your vision. These doctors will help you get the most out of what vision you still have by recommending or providing certain visual aids, non-optical devices, or adaptive devices that will help you get the most out of what vision you still have.

Optical devices can be different kinds of magnifiers or really strong glasses that make images bigger so that items or print are easier to see. Devices that are not optical can be used to increase the amount of light, improve the brightness, or lessen the effects of glare. Some examples are electronic screens, glasses with different tints, and reading lamps that give off a lot of light. Adaptive tools like large print books, talking devices like talking watches, and pens with big tips may also be helpful.

Not all eye doctors are experts in helping people with bad vision. I personally do not. Your eye doctor or optometrist should be able to send you to an expert with advanced training in low vision. The American Optometric Association has a list of doctors of optometry that you can find online. You can look for a doctor or office based on the name, the city, the state, or the zip code. You can also narrow your search by spoken language, special focus, or type of practice service. Choose "Low Vision" under "Practice Services" to find a low vision professional near you. To learn more about Vision Specialists and Macular Degeneration, Contact Visible Genomics

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